Let’s have a TechTalk about… Geometry EN-FX3!
Designed and created for you with the following benefits:
1. Semi-finishing:
Wave-shaped cutting edge for very good chip control during contour turning.
2. Good compromise:
Thanks to a positive cutting geometry of 12° and a selection of suitable grades, this configuration is particularly suited for ferrous materials while also being effective for other types of materials.
3. Application range:
Highly effective for large depths of cut and medium to high feed rates.
4. Honed edge:
Reduce friction to prevent excessive wear of the tool and improve its tool life.
5. Hat trick:
Available in all three shapes: CCGT (80°) – DCGT (55°) – VCGT (35°).
Learn more about this family on our website:
ISO-Line – Applitec Swiss Tooling
You can also find our EN-XF3 geometries in various dimensions on our e-shop Applitec:
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